[Liste] Golden Flame Spirea Goldflame
Goldflame spirea is well suited to growing nearly anywhere in usda hardiness zones 4 to 8. The botanical name of goldflame spirea is spiraea japonica.
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The luminous foliage turns brilliant shades of orange red and yellow in the fall. Panicles of rosy red flowers rise above the foliage in summer creating a dynamic contrast. Noted for its wonderful foliage spiraea japonica goldflame japanese spirea is a compact deciduous shrub with bronze red ovate leaves in spring changing to yellow green as the summer progresses.New leaves start bronze in spring and turn yellow with a light pink edging in summer. It tolerates a wide range of soils but thrives best in well drained loamy soil. Give this remarkable coloration the spotlight in borders and garden beds that receive sun to part shade.
From midsummer clusters of dark pink flowers appear contrasting the glowing foliage. The plant is naturally variable in form and there exist about 10 varieties of the species. It features a really welcome springtime show.
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