[Free] Butterfly Bush Blue Heaven
This new shrub stays small and compact around 2 feet tall and the same size across. We recommend planting this versatile perennial in any border or small space garden.
Early Summer At Chickadee Gardens
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Butterfly bush blue heaven dernière gratuit
The blue heaven butterfly bush is a beautiful small shrub loved by both gardeners butterflies and children too. This divine buddleia blooms from summer to frost while retaining a perfectly petite growth habit. A hybrid of b.Buddleja flutterby petite blue heaven butterfly bush is a miniature deciduous shrub with gracefully arching branches studded with lance shaped fuzzy gray green leaves and sweetly scented panicles of violet blue flowers. For an especially dramatic display plant several varieties together for a clump of blue blooms all season long. The flowers are more lavender than they are blue in our gardens.
Well that s because they just planted a blue heaven butterfly bush in their garden. Blue flowers radiate against ethereal silver foliage a glimpse of heaven on earth. Petite blue heaven butterfly bush produces full size 4 to 6 spikes of lavender blue flowers on bushes one third the size of their taller growing cousins.
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